Preparing For An IV Infusion Treatment: 3 Tips

IV infusion treatments are becoming quite popular, and not just for people who are ill or recovering from illness. These hydrating and vitamin-infused treatments are helpful for those with restrictive diets, and also for athletes. Some even opt for an IV treatment after a night of heavy drinking, or when they are struggling with jet lag. Overall, the process of getting an IV is pretty simple, and IV clinics do their best to keep you comfortable. However, there are some tips you'll want to follow as you prepare for your session.

Avoid medications, if possible.

If you are on any daily prescription medications, talk to your doctor and make sure it is safe for you to get an IV. Your doctor may tell you to pause or delay taking certain medications for a day or two before your IV. Don't do this unless they tell you to. If you take any medications on an as-needed basis, it is often best to err on the safe side and avoid taking them prior to your IV session. For example, if you sometimes reach for a decongestant to manage allergy symptoms, avoid it before your IV session. Some of these OTC medications can cause your veins to constrict, which makes it harder for the IV technician to get the needle into your vein.

Keep Hydrating

An IV is meant to hydrate you, but that does not mean you want to show up to your session completely dehydrated. Keep sipping water in the day and hours leading up to your session. If you're hydrated, it will be easier for the practitioner to put the needle into your vein, and you'll also be more comfortable during the session. 

Dress Comfortably

Remember, you'll be lying down for about an hour while you get your IV. Wear something that is suited for this. People often like to show up in sweatpants and a baggy shirt, and that is totally ok. Dress for comfort, and not to impress anyone. Also make sure you can easily roll up your sleeves to expose your inner elbow, as that will be where the IV is placed in most cases.

Getting an IV treatment can really help you feel more lively and energetic. If you follow the tips above, you should have a better experience with IV treatment. Talk to a professional at a local IV infusion therapy clinic if you have any remaining concerns.  
