4 Things To Know About The Coolsculpting Process

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical process that is used to free fat cells in the body. The purpose of freezing fat cells in the body via the CoolSculpting process is to help remove fat from your body and give your body the shape that you want it to have. If you decide to undergo the CoolSculpting procedure, it helps to understand what it will be like.

It Is an Outpatient Procedure

First, it is important to understand that the CoolSculpting procedure is a process that is done in-house, and you don't have to undergo anesthesia. It is considered an outpatient service, so you can get the service and go home right after the service is completed. As you aren't administered anesthesia, you don't need someone else to drive you home after the procedure.

The Process Freezes Targeted Fat Cells

During the CoolSculpting process, a special cooling device is placed over the targeted areas where you want to freeze the fat cells. You will feel some pressure from the device, but you shouldn't feel any real pain from the device. If you do, alert your doctor. The device can take around half an hour to treat each target area on your body. It is common to target more than one area on your body in a single session. This is not a procedure that has to be repeated, as the fat cells are destroyed during the application process.

Expect a Little Soreness

After the CoolSculpting process, you should expect a little swelling on all the areas that were treated with the device. This is normal, as the device broke down the fat cells in your body in that area. The area may feel tender, almost like it is bruised. It will be a little sore, possible for a few days. This is perfectly natural.

Drink Lots of Water

After the process, you need to make sure that you stay hydrated. You are going to want to make sure that you drink lots of water every day. Drinking lots of water will help flush the destroyed fat cells from the procedure out of your body. Staying well hydrated will help the fat cells leave your body at a faster rate.

Keep in mind the CoolSculpting process is going to break down the fat cells in your body, and then your body has to expel those damaged cells. It can take a few weeks to a few months for you to see dramatic changes to your body from the procedure.
